
Showing posts from October, 2020

Circa 2020 (October)

Founding fathers.   Idan's tent minyan.  Circa 2020 Follow us on Instagram - never miss a beat.

Official OG heading South

Idan’s Tent Minyan Send Shliach to Florida. In todays turbulent times ITM takes its mission to the next level after an uplifting and inspiring Tishrie one of our most cherished and successful members heads South in search of a Kapata. Menachem pictured above an official OG of Idan’s Tent Minyan brings amazing talent and experience with him and is ready to share and spread with the world. From Chazan to Scotch, niggunim and cigars. To contact Menchems agent re his Kapata please contact his Mashpia - the Mashpia of Toronto. 

Toronto > Calgary > New York

 Breaking News! Flights would be through Calgary so bring snacks.  Alberta's rapid testing pilot will allow some travellers to avoid 14-day quarantine, Premier Ford 'open to it'

And jack hit the road

 Jack had so much trash - Scott to the rescue. Thank you to all those who helped sort the garbage into green, blue and black and dispose of appropriately. Kol Hakavod. Click here for more on how to deal with neighbours who dont green and blue bin properly  Idans Tent Minyan is happy to announce our newest Minyan Sponsor for anyone who wants to start or restart wearing a Nike Kapota free custom tailoring by PP Tailors. Please mention this add to receive this promotion.    Learn more about Mendy Kapotas Idans Tent Minyan ... Kapota ✅ Nike coming soon.  The Idan Tent Minyan advisory committee has advised all members to hold off on the Nike symbol and sponsorship of the groups Kapotas until after Nov 3, due to China’s battle with the NBA could hurt Nike Theodore people ... be like ---  they are so nice.  for more gift ideas to thank Idans tent here is our wish list. 1. More of Yona hearing - Priceless 2. D'var Torah from the Mashpia - Priceless 3. Smoked B...

אום אתה הארת - Feedback

Here are a few comments we got from so many who enjoyed a very hartzig simchas torah on Theodore. feel free to add your comments below.  "Shavua Tov! The simchas torah party was awesome, my kids loved it, hope it happens every year!!! " "Good morning, I want to congratulate you on spearheading the Hakafos on Theodore. I think it was well planned and beautifully executed. My family really enjoyed. Thank you." "Thank you for including me today. I enjoyed the Hakafot and Aliya very much.  We are thrilled you have brought renewed energy to the street. Yasher Koach."

So much Hartzig



שמיני עצרת שמחת תורה 2020 - תשפ״א


Theodore Hakafa


Simchas Torah (ITM) Prep

  2020 Hakafot the 2020 solo dance - practice makes perfect this year "stand for the flag" 

Sukkos 2020 -- so many things.

kichel - aka cardboard with suger. Love him or hate him, he is your president... show some respect.  ☺ Sukkos is coming and we’re so happy, we’re going to sing and shout out loud.  357 days a year we wait for Sukkos.  A gift from Hashem, and we’re so proud. spicy chilli and they sam chicken soup is the cure 😷 . A hammer with flowers is still a hammer for the nail!” ―  Mehmet Murat ildan “When the hammer shall fall upon the dragon, a new king shall arise, and none shall stand before him.” ―  George R.R. Martin "Hey guys who is not busy 10 minutes before chag? lets make a  dofen akuma ... Q3 - they are doing something. 

חג הסוכת תשפ״א

  חג הסוכת תשפ״א Reservation to Idan’s Tent Minyan is mandatory due to COVID. Contact Idan .  Erev Sukkos Friday 6:45 PM מנחה 6:37 PM הדלקת הנרות  7:18 PM קבלת שבת  Sukkos / Shabbos 10:30 AM שחרית 6:30 PM מנחה 7:37 PM מעריב Sukkos / Sunday 10:30 AM שחרית 6:30 PM מנחה 7:35 PM מעריב

Simchas Torah - Number 3!

Check it out    Location 3 ....  Thornhill Idan’s Tent Minyan       We are so excited to join ranks with amazing Minyans around the world in this great project.

Mazel Tov

 Mazel Tov to Reb Yosel K Its important to mention the official policy of Idans Tent Minayn. When A child is born aboard the Minayn... (adapted with permission from TWA in flight birth policy document - 1976) free shmaltz salmon herring for life hartzig for life wings for life and after life (120) chopped liver for life pisicha for life donuts for life likkutei sichos for life maftir yona for $18 for life malkus from yona for life renovations and kiruv from scott for life tax receipts from jyn for life   legals from yosef for life on Thursdays after 11pm

Yona in the salmon

  Yona working the salmon, so good. Order your personal individual shmaltz salmon or get the recipe here