Idan tent shul constitution - לע׳נ רות ביידער גינזבורג

Idan tent shul constitution

לע׳נ רות ביידער גינזבורג


At Idan's Tent minyan we are doing all we can to follow the current health guidelines due to covid-19.

As such, we feel very bad and regretful that we need to limit our participants and revert to the original small group on our block and some original attendees.

If you are not a regular and need to say Kaddish or want to attend a specific tefillah please contact Idan and we will do our best to accommodate you.  We keep a list of all attendees to all tefillos in order to keep track of the numbers to ensure our compliance with the guidelines.

As such, we can only have a maximum of 25 people for kiddush and we are already at capacity.

As well, we would like to take this opportunity to reiterate a few basic items we have put in place:

1. kids cannot attend without their parents, as well there is no youth programs so please have your kids next to you during Davening so that you can watch them.

2. If anyone has a fever or any symptom such as a cough please do not attend.

3. bring your own siddurim/machzorim.

4. bathrooms are not available - please use your home.

5. When COVID is over please join Idan Tent Minyan for a huge L’Chaim and celebration.  


גמר חתימה טובה


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