Mashpia of Toronto


Mashpia of Toronto blesses Idan's Minyan

Mashpia (Hebrew: משפיע‎) lit. "person of influence", pl. Mashpi'im (Hebrew: משפיעים‎) is the title of a Hasidic rabbi who serves as a spiritual mentor, whose main influence and teachings are in matters of the worship of God, the correction of virtues and spiritual elevation. 
Reb Shabsie Adler born in Montreal and whose family originialy comes from Hungary has subsequently migrated to Toronto. Reb Shabsie is a tremendous influence on the community members of Toronto. Specifically he serves as Mashpia of Bnei Torah and Idans Tent Minyan communities. Reb Shabsie's influence carries far beyond the walls of these amazing communities and his impact has continues to inspire jews and non jews alike from all walks of life in the Greater Toronto Area.

To learn more about Mashpia please visit


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