הארציג This is the number one Yiddish word we are teaching this week. Freely translated this means with heart Hartzig [ har -tz-ig ] SHOW IPA SEE SYNONYMS FOR hartzig ON THESAURUS.COM adjective ORIGIN OF HARTZIG warm; full of feeling; Idan is happy: a hartzig piece of kugel. First recorded in 2020–5781 Ontario, Canada; hartzig WORDS RELATED TO HARTZIG L'Chaim, Good Shabbos, Good Yom Tov, Ezra pass the wings, Scott Are you davening a Hartzige Shachris? EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB FOR HARTZIG Idans Hartzig Tent Minyan. No more hartzig then Idans Tent Minyan. I go to Idans Tent Minyan because it is Hartzig. Idans Tent Minyan has a Hartzige Mashpia. A Hartzige Mazel Tov to all members of Idans Tent Mintyan. Yaysef is a hartzige yid. Source - The book on Idans tent Minyan published 2020. Addendum : September 30, 2020 Question: My Mother in law is not very הארציג . Am I using this correc...